Monday, March 18, 2013


Remember, your mental limitations are of your own making.

For years, athletes attempted to run a mile in four minutes but it seemed to be a barrier that no one could overcome.

Then on May 6, 1954, a British runner named Roger Gilbert Bannister ran a mile in 3:59.4 minutes to establish a world record. Soon afterward, other runners broke Bannister’s record.

Too often, we accept conventional wisdom as fact. Make sure you set your goals high enough. Don’t settle for less because of limitations you place upon yourself.

Most of us never really reach the level of achievement of which we are capable because we don’t challenge ourselves to do so.

Perhaps “A man’s reach should exceed his grasp, or what’s a heaven for?”

“We cannot be who we want to be, if we are not willing to do what we need to do.”

Saturday, March 16, 2013


We all have moods which can affect the way our physical body feels /operates, as well as how we deal with other people and situations. Our moods can affect and infect others too…


You wouldn't purposely infect someone with your germs, so why would you infect them with your mood? Few of us were taught how to self-calm or manage our undesirable emotions; therefore, those are able to maintain a steady level of “good” mood all day. The two main moods we generally wish to get out of are stressed moods (anxious, fearful, frustrated, overwhelmed, and angry) and sad moods. Our moods are generated by our thoughts.
We are energy bodies, and we vibrate and resonate, therefore, our moods have a tone. Change the tone, change the mood. Come-on! Am talking in technical “Tone” but you know what I am talking…. Think about it…. Have you ever controlled /changed your Mood to the purpose or need, where it has to be!!..........
You can change your tone through any of your senses; you can also change your tone by using high-frequency thoughts, (flashing…… purpose, need, consequences & ethical reasoning) words and actions.

Some of the ways to instantly improve your mood

The first thing is “Think Gratitude.” For the next five minutes thank everything you can, count your blessings, you can thank the people who enhance your life, your job, your devices, all the other things in your life that make it easier and better.
I believe the more things you’re grateful for and to, the more the things in your life will work well. You’ll probably be very surprised how truly grateful you are for so many of these things which ever even noticed….

Smile: Just choose to smile and hold it for at least a minute.
Or find something to smile and laugh about. Imagine your funniest memory, a favorite scene from a movie, and tell someone else a joke, or share a funny memory or story with them.

Choose Your Words:  Words have energy and thus, impact. By thinking or saying uplifting or calming words, you will change your mood. Repeat any of the following high-energy words: (or choose your own)
For uplifting: Magnificent, Wonderful, Spectacular, Perfect, Glorious.
For calming: Peaceful, Calm, still, relax

Hum: When you hum, you’re producing the same vibratory sound, Promotes clarity of thinking by refreshing your mind. Humming reduces the number of thoughts that fill your head. When you are humming there is no room for over thinking.

Breathe deeply: Conscious breathing is one of the quickest ways to get out of your head and into the present moment. Follow the breath in and out. Focus on the sensations.

Be Child-like: Try doing anything that engages your inner child, when you didn't care what people thought and fun was your only goal: i.e. jump for joy, run silly, BE silly! Let the Sense of humor take a part, and then say I am kidding…….

By incorporating/ practicing one or more of the above into your daily routine, you’ll be more likely to maintain an even mood throughout the day which will help you live a more peaceful, productive the fruitful life.
By minimizing or eliminating undesirable moods, your physical body will have access to the energy it needs to remain healthier throughout your life.

Moods are real, those we can control. Moods that really matter to any one of us, to improve instantly:  Think Gratitude, Smile, Choose Your Words, Hum, Breathe deeply finally be Child-like…..

Thursday, March 14, 2013


Irreverence is a sign of inadequate vocabulary or unstable conclusion — or both.

"The difference between the right word and the almost-right word is the difference between fresh flowers and the artificial. “It is never appropriate to use vulgarity (inappropriate language); instead, build your vocabulary by reading and studying listening so that you can express yourself simply and expressively.

When you expand the number of words you know, you also expand your mind with word power, because understanding the words and their meanings necessitates understanding the concepts behind them. Some of irrefutable / undeniable advantages of reading, itself is a active mental process and it is fundamental skill builder, Improves your vocabulary, Reduces stress, Gives you something to talk about….. on and on……

These are the degree of knowledge in Words. This simply indicates that a word gradually enters a person's vocabulary over a period of time.
  1. Never encountered the word.
  2. Heard the word, but cannot define it.
  3. Recognize the word due to context or tone of voice.
  4. Able to use the word and understand the general and/or intended meaning, but cannot clearly explain it.
  5. Fluent with the word – its use and definition.
If you fit five out of two can be acceptable, greater than two and above shows you need must improvement. And it is continual process of executing the best & must habit of reading.

Expression and spontaneous speaking / writing on events or giving comments are very vital to show your professionalism, over the period of time these will fetch you deep rooted respect and honor in society. Think about it.

Without constant / consistent habit of reading Articles, books, theories, analysis reports ect. One can’t develop their vocabulary!!  So tell me how often you read these or when was that you read a 2000 words article, Editorial or a story?

If you know me from last 12 years…. Then I am the best example that you can count on!! It is possible and proven that READING can transform the very Life. In future I may write my detail testimony on this!

Make sure you allow time each day for study and reflection

“Words should be acquired because we must need them ---- to convey, to reach, to express something within us, and to understand others.”

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Margaret Thatcher once observed that being powerful is like being a lady: If you have to tell others you are, you aren't.  The point is ……………It takes more than a loud voice to gain respect for authority.

Truly great leaders gain respect by the way they conduct themselves, not by the loudness of their orders. 
If we reflect on any given moment of ordering with; 'action after thought' -'thought before action' .....will reflect the result what you intent to get out of it…. Think about it for a moment…..

You gain respect by respecting others. Follow the Golden Rule in your treatment of others, and you will win their undying loyalty. 

Giving /Sharing credit is a great way to earn respect. It shows that you are fair, as a Head/ a team player that you want others to succeed. 
If you ever expect to have authority over others, you must first prove yourself worthy.
You must demonstrate to them that you care about them, that as their leader you will always look out for their interest.

A good leader/ who wants to progress always makes sure the fellow members are provided for before he takes care of his own needs. 
Here empathy will help you to gaze the pulse of people, it’s a lesson that all too often is lost in the ‘scramble to get to the top’ -- but one that will most certainly weaken /challenge your progress if you overlook it….

When you have a vision for what you wish to achieve in your life, not only will others stand aside and let you pass, but they will join you in your quest as well. They will instinctively recognize your enthusiasm and zest for living.

Knowledge is only potential power. It becomes power only when, and if, it is organized into definite plans of action and directed to a definite end.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Every thought we release becomes a part of our character. Good or bad  -- is a form of energy that can affect those who receive it, for better or worse. I think we all agree on this.....

Quite often, the way we feel about a situation comes from our perception of it. Often that perception is right, but sometimes it isn't. For instance, sometimes we're unreasonably harsh with ourselves, or we can jump to wrong conclusion about people's motives. This can cause problems and make us unhappy, and it can lead us to be unfair to others. Isn't it.

More important here is....your thoughts, that affects you. So you become what you think about the most. If you think about success, condition/tune your mind to seek success, and you attract large portions of positive/ success only......
Thought Awareness, Rational Thinking, and Positive Thinking are simple tools that help you turn this around. Equally, if you think about failure and misery, you will become miserable and desperate.

Well- What is rational thinking... that may explain the below picture.....
You can then use Positive Thinking to create positive affirmations that you can use to counter negative thoughts. Yes, these affirmations neutralize negative thoughts and build your self-confidence.

You can also use Positive Thinking to find the opportunities that are almost always present, to some degree, in a difficult situation.

To keep your mind on a positive track, the moment you begin to experience creeping negativism, make a conscious decision to eliminate negative thoughts and replace them with their positive counterparts.

For your thought….....Positive thinkers sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieve the impossible.


“Sow a thought and you reap an act; Sow an act and you reap a habit; Sow a habit and you reap a character; Sow a character and you reap a destiny."

Monday, March 11, 2013


Where will you be ten years from now if you keep on going the way you are going?
Many people fail to realize that big success is the result of little successes achieved, often over a very long period of time.

Truly successful people are long-term thinkers. They know that they must build upon each achievement and constantly learn new and better ways of doing things which they are doing….

As an example a well known PDCA process (illustration purpose) can help us to understand....... 

A regular review of your progress is an essential part of goal (goal is nothing but a wish, yes!! ...more than a wish). Make sure you plan for your life includes short-, medium-, and long-term goals. Again none will plan perfectly or will execute perfectly… that is the reason Success is nothing but continual improvement (In) (of) Life.

So wishing something in practical way with applying some principles with time frame (Define, action, Measure, analyze, review, correction) to lead your self to reality. So revise your goals as circumstances dictate, check them off when they are completed, and set new and higher / bigger wishes / goals for yourself as you grow.

Take time to reflect often to make sure you are on the right course in Life. Eventually which will give the ultimate success….  Satisfactory life…. Purpose driven life…. A meaningful Life….. A victories Life, you may call........ pick which one reflects your perspective.

History is the witness that this is the proven theory of many successful people with extraordinary achievements.

“Be as a ‘HOW’ thinker, not an ‘IF’ thinker.” -----“Goals (More than wishes) are simply tools to focus your energy in positive directions.”

Thursday, March 7, 2013


Sometimes it is wiser to join forces with opponents than to fight them. What a better world this would be if we worked together in harmony toward the achievement of our shared goals ……………instead of engaging in petty disputes and turf battles.

When we allow our-self to be dragged into personality conflicts, game playing, and arguments about who gets the credit, and disagreements about trivial issues, the fact is.........they only drain our energy and sour our attitude.
Lean to say, "If you agree with me, well: if not, we can agree to disagree.  if /when you have to add more then Interrupt with these:

  • Can I add something here?
  • Is it okay if I jump in for a second?
  • If I might add something...
  • Sorry to interrupt, but...
  • (after accidentally interrupting someone) Sorry, go ahead. OR Sorry, you were saying...
  • (after being interrupted) You didn't let me finish….

Those will not only defuse the situation but give you more control on the subject. Think about it……

Whenever you're in conflict with someone, there is one factor that can make the difference between damaging your relationship and deepening it. That very factor is your attitude. 


Moreover, you waste valuable time that could be spent on far more important matters. When you make an effort to understand others' motivations, you may well discover that your opponents have far more in common with you than you think.


When you cage your ego and look at the situation from the other person's point of view, you can almost always find a way to work together for your mutual advantage.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


We have all been there. We want to exercise more. We want to stop smoking. We want to eat healthier. We want a new job this year and we really want these things.  We set wishes / goals, we have the best intentions yet there are no significant results! ………. Let us look in to with ‘WHY’
When our intentions work for a month or two and then our good intentions and resolve, start to shade away and most of us realize we are back where we started. Obviously, a lot of this depends on the goals (wishes) you set. Even we set achievable, realistic and measurable goals, there is more to that. There are other things we need to pay attention to.

As a quote says “You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win and expect to win.” and this is where we fall short sometimes.


Goals are great but to just trust 'your resolve to achieve' your goal is not sustainable. To persist, we need to plan and prepare for them. Otherwise, your good intentions will fade away even make you guilty.

Start Small and Easy, Schedule Time, Prioritize, Say No, Learn to gracefully say no, to those who ask for your time when you already have too much to do. Saying No can be done in a Kind way, just be clear that you cannot do what is being asked of you. Pick a time when you will work on your goal, such as early in the morning, late at night, during lunch whichever is appropriate…

This is actually more insidious than people realize. At work, I too have lots of colleagues who are trying / have given up smoking and I realize there is a key difference in the way those who have  given it up and those who are trying and still failing.

Successful quitters: Yeah. I am done with smoking. It was costing too much money and my wife doesn't like it as well. Instead of smoke breaks, I’m taking fresh air breaks and going for a walk around the building. I threw away all my cigarettes. And when my usual gang goes for smoke breaks, I just make myself a cup of tea now. I stopped going to the shops where I usually get my cigarettes.

Unsuccessful quitters: I have seen a hypnotist and that’s sort a helping me but yeah, I want to quit but work is so stressful and I really need a break sometimes. It’s really difficult. I have been trying to quit for years. I’m giving it a try again. We’ll see how it goes this time. But it’s really taking a lot of effort. I’m going to try and be good but yeah, I do have some cigarettes in the drawer just in case I need it. You never know.

There’s almost a sense in the second group that this is a difficult task and it’s going to take a lot of effort to get it done and also it seems like they are not expecting to beat their smoking habit. Whereas for the first group, a decision has been made and they seem to be quite sure they will stick with it and there are not preparing for failing.


That is the thing with most of us. We want to stop smoking but we believe we can’t. We want to lose weight but we think it’s too difficult and we have tried it before and this time, we will try again with this new diet but really, we don’t think it’s going to happen. We want a new job but the job market out there is bad, etc. We are not really expecting success. This actually shocks most people…..

So closely monitor how you speak about your goals with others. That will give you important clues on whether you actually do think you will achieve your goals. Reversing these unconscious barriers will go a long way in helping you change your behavior. Think about it ..

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Will You Believe...

A blind boy paid his way to a master’s degree by taking notes on class lectures in Braille, ……….typing them and selling copies to Classmates who had stronger eyes but weaker ambition

One of the great mysteries of life is why some people who seem to have all the advantages The right connections, education and experience – never/ever seem to amount, While others who have had to struggle for everything-- they have reached incredible heights of success.

I believe It only hinges (depends) on determination. If you have the will to succeed, you will somehow find a way, regardless of the obstacles you encounter.

Do you use all of your assets to achieve your goals, or are you handicapped by your lack of ambition? No other person can create in you a desire to succeed, but YOU……

With enough motivation, ……….you will see things all around you that will help you reach your objectives, …………………things that you may have overlooked many times before.

"It is a terrible thing to see and have no vision" Helen Keller

Praveen Kumar Chenna